Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Dream Delicious"

The real Julius dedicates this 100 word flasher to the real Aspire.

by Julius
copyright 2004

The daydream returned in sleep.

I was her thong, lilac. I dreamt in colour!

Too tight, too small and threaded, delicious deep.

I was full of her curls, of her pouting lips.

I dived between her buttocks, I squirmed or was that her?

I felt her heat, her sweet humidity, I swam in her musky scent.

Then, moister yet, did she think of me? My pastel lilac darkened, there, at her sweet centre.

I prayed, "Touch yourself, through me!"

She did!

I came, wet-dreaming like a boy.

I gushed and curled, foetal, cupping her mound in my mind.

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