Monday, November 3, 2008

"Sweaty" Chapter 6

by Julius
Copyright 2005

Mitzi woke alone. Nothing new there. She'd been waking alone for a long time. Then it hit her, she'd not gone to sleep alone! Matthew, they'd been cuddled up together. She looked around, the bathroom door was open, the bathroom was empty. A piece of paper was propped against the bedside lamp. She grabbed it, squinted, where were her damned glasses? She managed to make out the words, 'Gone to airport for my dad see you.'

She felt an awful sense of loss. 'See you,' had that casual ring to it. Ships had passed in the night. She wondered, with a sinking heart, if they'd pass again. Or would it be back to an occasional, "Hi Matthew," and "Hi Mrs Roberts." After what had happened it was unthinkable damn it!

"Fuck!" she said and swung her legs out of bed. She stood up and groaned, her thighs hurt as if she'd climbed a million steps. Mitzi hobbled to the bathroom and squatted and moaned. Half her muscles seem to protest. She peed forever, how long had she slept? The sun was well up.

She sat on the steps of the back deck. The air was still cool but that wouldn't last, she knew. She held a big mug of coffee in both hands and watched a bee sample a dandelion. Dandelions, there was a job she wasn't going to tackle today. She needed a shower. Strangely, she was enjoying being unwashed after last night's frolic. She wore yesterday's shorts and top too. Acutely aware that Matthew had come over theshorts, she was enjoying the little afterglow that remained. A sad little corner of her mind told her she'd better enjoy it - it might not happen again.

Christ but she was down. Was this a post climactic anti-climax she wondered, almost enjoying her little self-pity session.

A footstep, she stiffened as a shadow moved. Startled, she looked up.

"Hi," he said.

"Er, ... hi," she struggled for the name.

"Mark, your next door neighbour."

"Of course, sorry, daydreaming."

He stood looking down at her, "Forgive me, I tried at the front but nobody answered so I walked round."

"Bell's broken," she said, wondering why people talk in bits of sentences.

"Thought I'd drop by and thank you for feeding young Matt."

"It was a pleasure," she said. Thinking back, it had been a great pleasure.

He stood, seeming a little uncertain of himself. "I was just walking to the mall for breakfast. Would you like to join me."

Join him? She'd love to and before she could stop herself she'd said, "I'd love to."

Panic. Her braless breasts moved inside the shirt, too low and too heavy. Yesterday's t-shirt, with yesterday's Mitzi-odour. And the shorts! With Matthew's dried cum on them. Dear God, what a slut she was.

Mark slapped his pocket, "No wallet, I'll be right back."

He must have seen what a mess she was. Dammit, he'd probably smelled her. Here was a gentleman for sure.She was certain he'd not forgotten his wallet at all.

After he'd gone she dashed inside, found a bra and captured her breasts. She put on a clean blouse and sandals and headed for the door. The frayed, cut-off,denim shorts looked good on her ass so she left them where they were.

He was at the gate waiting for her.

Sat in the booth she got the first proper, close-uplook at her neighbour in the many months she'd lived next to him. Fiftyish, maybe younger, maybe not, lifehad worn him and weathered him. He suited the short trimmed beard and the spectacles. He was greying and balding and not too heavy. A mouth that was slow to smile but when it did she loved it. Nice teeth that looked clean. Jesus how come she'd missed all this for all this time.

She wondered what he thought of her. She must have looked a disaster when he found her on the back deck. Did she look much better now? Her hair a mess, and no make-up. The shorts - Christ the shorts! She must look a slut in them with or without cum stains. SuddenlyMitzi wished she was a long way away.

"This is a treat."

Mitzi was yanked back to the real world, "What?"

"A treat, sitting here with you for breakfast. How come we've never met properly before?"

'You poor slob,' she thought, 'I've never fucked your son before, that's why.'

"I wish you'd given me a bit of notice," she gestured at herself, "I'm a mess."

"Your not a mess, the real you looks just great. Can I call you Mitzi?"

"Just don't call me early for breakfast again," she quipped and they laughed a little.

"Matthew's been singing your praises, quite smitten he is."

"It was just pizza and a beer," Mitzi said quietly, telling the truth and lying and wanting the conversation to take a different turn.

"He raved about the air conditioning, wants us to get it."

"It's only in my bed ...," Mitzi nearly died as she cut the word off.

Mark's eyes stared straight into hers. Oh God, heknew. She was sure Matthew hadn't told about them fucking but she knew with an awful certainty that this man guessed. She felt the blood rush to her face and she began the move along the seat - she was getting out before she died of shame.

"Take your orders?" the waitress blocked her escape.

Her appetite gone, she ordered toast. Mark suggested she try the French toast, saying they did the world's best. With a mental shrug, she agreed. He ordered the same and the waitress said "Two French toasts." and moved away.

Stirring her coffee she said, "Confession time?"

He looked at her, raised an eyebrow.

"You know what happened between ..., between Matthew and me?"

"I guessed but it's not really for me to judge. You're both grown up I s'pose. He's eighteen after all."

"Yes, and I'm just about old enough to be his grandmother," she was near tears now.

"You never saw my ex's mother or you'd not say such a thing," he laughed, he actually laughed, she couldn't believe it.

"You're not at all angry are you?" she asked, feeling almost annoyed at his acceptance.

"I was shocked, surprised. Mostly I was jealous."

"Jealous?" Mitzi said, not quite understanding the conversation. She was still reeling from the way the morning was going.

"Of course I'm jealous. My teenage lad get to ...,gets to ...," he struggled for a word, "gets to spend time with my beautiful lady neighbour and...," Markwas having trouble now and Mitzi felt a flood of relief. She was off the hook for the moment.

Her eyes felt tear-swollen as she stared at him. "I'm suddenly so ashamed. Yesterday with Matthew was so beautiful and now I'm face to face with you. Suddenly I feel wicked."

He reached out and touched her hand. "Hey, go easy on yourself, things happen."

Suddenly, she was telling him about the mower stalling, the heat, going to ask Matthew for help. She skipped the part about the video and Kim and what happened in the basement. "He went to pick you up atthe airport and when he got back without you I was sitting on the front steps."

The waitress brought their orders and topped up their coffees and Mitzi finished lamely, "I ordered a pizza for us and we had a beer," she paused and added, in her own defence, "he's such a sweet young man."

"I think he's a very lucky young man," Mark said with a mouthful of French toast.

"And you really don't mind, you're not angry?"

"Eat your breakfast and let me take you out for supper tonight."

They parted in front of her house.

The day warmed steadily and, by early afternoon, the house had become a sweat-box again. Mitzi closed the windows and cranked her air conditioner up. With thebedroom door open, the cool air drifted down the stairs and made life almost bearable.

Mitzi tried to get her thoughts straight. She'd said yes to Mark's offer of supper because she liked him, liked him very much. Everything about him rang true and positive.

But she'd screwed his son. They'd done it in her kitchen and then on her bed. They'd showered together. She'd jerked the boy off in Mark's basement. All of it just the day before. She'd been like a mink on heat.

Trouble was, she'd loved every moment of it. Damn, her pussy still clenched every time she thought about Matthew's body and what they'd done together.

Now the father was taking her out for supper and no doubt thinking about getting into her panties too. He should be mad at her, disgusted with her, not dating her. No, she decided, she couldn't go through with it.

She made that decision several times that day. And each time, she changed her mind again. What the fuck, a bit more mink-in-heat behaviour might be just fine. She'd been cockless for too damn long.

The thinking, or rather the subject matter, served only to keep her hormones dashing round. At around four she went up to her bedroom and closed the door.While the room cooled, she showered and began choosing an outfit.

She dressed herself in black. Not very summery, but she felt the slutty Mitzi would look suitably wicked in black. Black underwear of course and over that she wore black blouse and skirt. All pretty conservative except for the high slit in the back of the skirt. Black stockings and heels made the most of her legs.She looked in the mirror, turning this way and that and was happy with who she saw. Her hair was dark, dark brown - even the grey was dark brown. The brilliant, red lipstick was a last minute choice -what else for a slut?

She been pleased and relieved when Mark had told her Matthew had gone away for the weekend. Mark's ex and her husband had dropped by and collected him that morning while Mark still slept. They had a cottage by a lake and Mark said Matthew loved to go, even if this time, he'd seemed more than a little reluctant.

Mitzi wondered about Mark's ex, wondered why they'd split up. She glanced at the clock, five to six. The sound of a car starting nearby drew her to the window.

She was amused to see Mark drive out of his drivewayand into hers. She crossed the bedroom, her heart bumping with excitement.

The heat and humidity hit her as she opened the bedroom door. By the time she got outside her body felt clammy, what a summer this was turning out to be.

Mark got out as she went down the steps to the car. His expression delighted her. It was open admiration, he was almost gaping. "My Lord, you are just beautiful," he told her.

He opened the car door for her and handed her in. She felt quite the lady. He went round the car and got in and sat, just looking at her. "You looked good thismorning, but this ...," he let the sentence hang unfinished.

They ate Italian and sat talking after the meal. She couldn't remember feeling so at ease or so relaxed.They talked of everything and sometimes, talked not at all. When Mark finally asked the waiter for the bill Mitzi realized almost three hours had slid by unnoticed. How well they fit together, she thought.

The sun was almost gone as they drove across town. "I can't believe we've lived next door to each other all this time and we've never done this before," he said.

"Crazy isn't it?"

She wanted him and she knew with an awful certainty that he wanted her and for the life of her she didn't know what to do.

Mark stopped the car between their driveways. He solved her dilemma by saying, "Your place or mine for coffee?"

"Yours, you have to make better coffee than me."

Just like that, she thought. This is too easy. Then the thought: or am I too easy?

"Look ...," she started.

"Don't go making conditions," he said, "just come in for coffee. We're not kids. I'll not jump on you."

A short silence and then they glanced at one another,"Unless you beg me," he said in a very low, sinister voice and they both laughed.

Mitzi very much wanted to tell him how happy she was right then. But she closed her eyes and leaned against the seat's headrest and worried about the need between her legs.


And that, as they say, is all she (he) wrote. I find it difficult to continue this story. Obviously a hot evening is going to follow; hot and sweaty and wet. But .... there's too much potential for jealousy and conflict here. For now, she wants them both and no doubt they both want her. Perhaps Matthew will move on to girls his own age. Perhaps .. perhaps ... for now dear reader you'll have to imagine your own endings/beginnings. Damn it! I don't like loose ends!

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